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Gallup Lee


PSAI China Country Licensee

PSAI Instructor Trainer Evaluator

PSAI Instructor Trainer
PADI IDC Staff Instructor
EFR Instructor Trainer
Advanced Nitrox Instructor Trainer
Extended Range Nitrox Instructor Trainer
Advanced Wreck Instructor Trainer
Nitrogen Narcosis Management Instructor Trainer
Recreational Sidemount Instructor Trainer
Technical Sidemount Instructor Trainer
Cave Diving Instructor Trainer
Closed Rebreather Instructor Trainer
Trimix Instructor Trainer
+ several other Specialty Instructor ratings

Anssi Iivari


PADI Master Instructor
PSAI Master Instructor
EFR Instructor Trainer
Advanced Nitrox Instructor
Extended Range Nitrox Instructor
Advanced Wreck Penetration Instructor
Tec Deep Instructor
Emergency Oxygen Provider Instructor
Search&Recovery Specialty Instructor
Public Safety Diver
Underwater Criminal Investigator
+ several other Specialty Instructor ratings


Wong Ting Kwok


PSAI Instructor Trainer

PADI IDC Staff Instructor

EFR Instructor Trainer

Advanced Nitrox Instructor Trainer

Extended Range Nitrox Instructor Trainer

Advanced Wreck Instructor Trainer

+ several other Specialty Instructor ratings

Betty Chen


PADI Course Director

EFR Instructor Trainer

+ several Specialty Instructor Trainer ratings

Lisa Chan


Pro-Diver Admistrator

Pro-Diver Development Logo

Pro-Diver Development Ltd.

20/F, Shing Lee Commercial Building,
No. 6-12 Wing Kut Street,
Sheung Wan, HONG KONG


Tel: (852) 3110 4141


© 2015-2018 Pro-Diver Development Ltd.

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