Maps and Directions
See or download maps and directions to Pro-Diver's training locations.
Go to the maps...
Weather Information
Weather does sometimes play havoc on diving plans. Typhoon 3 or above, Red and Black rainstorm warnings cancel open water diving. Please note that rain or thunderstorms as such do not cancel any diving.
Scuba Diving in Hong Kong
What is scuba diving in Hong Kong like? What can you expect? More...
Boat Schedules and Fun Divers
Fun divers and non-divers can join the training boats.
Rental Equipment
Open Water and Advanced Open Water courses include full scuba equipment rental in the course price. For other courses equipment rental is available.
Photo Galleries
A collection of scuba diving photos from Hong Kong and elsewhere in Asia taken by Hong Kong divers. More...
PADI Course Chart
Clickable course chart helps you plan your next step in your diving career. PADI Course chart is clickable only on the full site - on mobile devices using the mobile version of the site the chart is viewable only. See full chart...
PSAI Course Charts
PSAI Course charts include recreational sports diving paths as well as paths to general technical diving and diving in overhead environments. PSAI Course Chart is clickable on both the full site and the mobile version. See full chart...
Frequently Asked Questions
If you have questions about scuba diving - especially if you are just starting, you are likely to find that other people have had the same questions. Questions we get asked a lot...
In this Section:
Links & Downloads
A collection of external links to scuba diving and CPR & First Aid sites, documents and other resources you might find useful. You'll get and fill in all necessary documents when you enroll in a course. If you wish, you can view and download the most common ones. Link to links...
Terms and Conditions
And the small print... Well, not really, but at least a semi-legal document to try to get us on the same page on what you can expect from us, and what we expect from you when you do courses with us. More...