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Maps & Directions

Map to Pro-Diver's training locations

To get detailed directions from your location: click the menu button on the map's top left corner and select a location - or click a pin on the map - and follow the Directions link to Google Maps (opens the map in a new window).

You can also view or download maps and directions as PDF files. Directions buttons open Google Maps for detailed instructions.

Office and Classrooms

Pro-Diver Development



Chi Fu Fan Yuen Swimming Pool

Lei Cheng Uk Swimming Pool

Morse Park Swimming Pool

Kowloon Park Swimming Pool

Kwai Chung YMCA Swimming Pool

Sham Shui Po Park Swimming Pool

Wah Yan College

Open Water Diving

Sai Kung - Old Pier (the longer one) - Boats

Lobster Bay (Lung Ha Wan)

Little Palm Beach

Sheung Sze Wan

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