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Photos - Moalboal, Philippines

Moal Boal photos
Whale Shark silhouette

Whale Shark silhouette

Whale shark silhouetted from underneath against the surface.

Whale shark and banca boat.

Whale shark and banca boat.

Whale shark inspecting a banca boat.

Whale shark with divers

Whale shark with divers

Whale shark

Whale shark

Whale shark is the largest fish in the world. Photoed here near the surface with a scuba diver.

Scuba diver next to a whale shark

Scuba diver next to a whale shark

Whale sharks can grow well over 10 meters long and weigh over 20 tons.

Whale Shark on the surface

Whale Shark on the surface

Close encounter with a whale shark

Close encounter with a whale shark

Whale shark is a plankton eater. It is no threat to divers.

Whale shark tail

Whale shark tail

It's a big tail...

Photo with whale shark

Photo with whale shark

Scuba diver posing for pictures...

Whale shark and scuba diver

Whale shark and scuba diver

And here's the result of the diver's photo op. Click the image to see the whole picture.

Three whale sharks

Three whale sharks

Three whale sharks.

Sidemount diver with whale shark

Sidemount diver with whale shark

Kwok posing with a whale shark on sidemount configuration.

Yellow Coral

Yellow Coral

Certified Technical Diver hovering

Certified Technical Diver hovering

A scuba diver with a technical diving configuration with manifolded twin set.

Scuba Diver and Orange Fan Coral

Scuba Diver and Orange Fan Coral

Turtle with remora

Turtle with remora

Turtle with remora.

Green turtle

Green turtle

Scuba diver at a shallow reef

Scuba diver at a shallow reef

Diver with green turtle

Diver with green turtle

Turtle and diver

Turtle and diver

Close-up of a turtle with scuba diver.

Scuba diver with pink coral

Scuba diver with pink coral

Barrel corals

Corals at a green reef

Corals at a green reef

Twin tank diver

Twin tank diver

Diving with doubles does not require a specific certification as such. Most technical diving courses use twin tank set-up by default.

Pink Anemonefish

Pink Anemonefish

Pink anemonefish from the clownfish family.

Certified Sidemount Diver

Certified Sidemount Diver

Sea Anemone

Sea Anemone

Diver at Reef

Diver at Reef

Scuba Configurations

Scuba Configurations

Three different scuba configurations: twin tank, sidemount, closed circuit rebreather.

Technical Diver

Technical Diver

Technical diving certifications expand your diving range.

Orange Fan Coral

Orange Fan Coral

Cleaner shrimp at work.

Open Water diver and CCR diver

Open Water diver and CCR diver

One diver on a single tank recreational set-up, the other one on close circuit rebreather.

Certified Open Water Diver

Certified Open Water Diver

Open water diver with a green turtle.



Sidemount diving

Sidemount diving

Sidemount configuration allows you to easily remove the tanks if you so wish.

Scuba diver silhouette

Scuba diver silhouette



Also known as Coral Razorfish, Longspined Razorfish, Jointed Razorfish, Shrimpfish, Striped Shrimpfish, Coral Shrimpfish and Snipefish. Found in groups in fan and whip coral and sea grass beds. Colour can vary to match surroundings.



Shrimpfishes swim in groups with head down with synchronized movements: when one turns they all turn. They often shelter in rich coral patches, fan and whip coral and sea grass beds.



Inflated pufferfish

Inflated pufferfish

This pufferfish appears to have gotten alarmed: it has inflated to an inedible ball.

Moalboal Photos

Whale sharks, turtles and many more smaller critters are featured in these dive photos from Moal Boal, Philippines.

Most dives in Moalboal are on fairly steep slopes or walls, so Advanced Open Water, Deep Diver or technical diving certifications are recommended in order to explore some of the deeper sites.  

Sit back and enjoy the slideshow, or use the navigation buttons or click the thumbnail pictures to change photos. Click on the photo to view the full picture. You can also preview all photos by clicking the button on the right.

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No. 6-12 Wing Kut Street,
Sheung Wan, HONG KONG


Tel: (852) 3110 4141


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