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PSAI Cave Diving Programs



As with all technical diving, our training programs start here in Hong Kong. We can do quite a bit here to prepare you. For any overhead environment, your buoyancy control must be pretty much pitch perfect, we can can do line drills both on land and underwater, and if your goal is to become a full cave diver, you'll also want to be at least Advanced Nitrox or Extended Range diver to be able to conduct decompression dives.


The nearest cave system where we do the actual penetration dives is Sai Siu Saan near Foshan in China. If you are doing overhead programs with us, you are likely to get familiar with the place. It is an ancient flooded quarry with crystal clear fresh water and offers very good diving in both overhead and open water parts of the quarry with depths down to 40m. Another cave dive location we often go to is El Nido in the Philippines, but our divers have trained in other parts of the world, too: Florida, Mexico, etc.


We are constantly looking for new cave systems in China and once you have progressed far enough in your training you'll be very welcome to join our expeditions.

Cave divers entering the cave in Yunnan, China

Required Prerequisite Certifications

Open Water Diver


Suggested Certifications

PSAI Advanced Open Water Diver

PSAI Advanced Buoyancy Control (ABC)

Additional Required Prerequisite Certifications

PSAI Advanced Open Water Diver

PSAI Advanced Buoyancy Control (ABC)

PSAI Deep Sport Diver

PSAI Basic Underwater Navigation



Suggested Certifications

PSAI Narcosis Management - Level 2

PSAI Twin Set Diver


How long does it take?

The duration of the courses vary. Cave diving is a process: you attend training sessions and earn the ratings along the way.

If you have successfully completed the PSAI Advanced Buoyancy Control with a twin-tank or sidemount set-up and other pre-course work , your dive skills are up to it and the logistics work out, you may be able to complete the full PSAI Overhead Program (Cavern, Intro to Cave, Apprentice Cave and Full Cave) in 7-8 days. In most cases, though, divers complete the course requirements in stages spanning over a much longer time.



All overhead programs start with getting your skills - especially buoyancy control - up to the levels required from divers in overhead environments with the PSAI Advanced Buoyancy Control course. The ABC is done in Hong Kong (or sometimes in Guangzhou).

There are no caves suitable for diving in Hong Kong. All cave dives are conducted abroad. Cave dive training you can join is arranged in caves in China, Philippines, Florida and Mexico several times a year.

How much does it all cost?


Cave diving is fairly expensive. There is no way around that. You need full technical gear set-up with other cave diving equipment: dive lights suitable for overhead environment, reels, etc. Cave diving locations are often difficult to reach so there will be travelling costs.


We quote the courses as 'Tuition Only', you will then pay for the dives and travel as you go.

Professional Scuba Association International (PSAI) Complete Overhead Program consists of four stages:



These can be completed one or more courses at the time, or if logistics and your time allow, in one complete program.

PSAI China cave dive training at El Nido, Philippines.

Link to Cave Diving photos

Click the image to see our cave diving photos.

Equipment Requirements
Equipment Requirements for PSAI Cave Diver Programs


  • Twin tank configuration

  • Two regulators, one with a long hose minimum length 1.5 meters (5 feet) connected to primary second stage, SPG

  • LP hoses for BCD inflation and dry suit if used

  • BCD with sufficient lift to adequately support the required dive equipment and tow a fellow diver in an emergency

  • A redundant inflation device in the form of a double bladder wing

  • Back plate and harness or other type BCD

  • Thermal protection suitable for dive environment

  • Three dive lights:
    1. One primary light.
    2. Two backup lights

  • Dive computer plus redundant timing and depth device(s). Computer must be suitable for course i.e. multi gas, and if a computer is not used then backup slates and tables must be carried.

  • Mask plus redundant mask

  • Three reels
    - Primary reel
    - Safety reel
    - Jump / gap reel

  • Two Cutting Devices

  • Fins

  • 2 Slates and pencils

  • Three (3) line arrows

  • Non-directional line markers

Sai Siu Saan in Foshan, China, is often the setting for the first overhead dives in Pro-Diver's cave dive training programs.

Sai Siu Saan cave, Foshan, China

Sai Siu Saan cave is a local tourist attraction - and a setting for cave diving courses.

Setting up for cave dive training in Sai Siu Saan.

The set-up area is spaceous - and it has a roof...

Divers on a boat, Sai Siu Saan, Foshan, China

A short boat ride - slightly longer than the boat itself - takes divers to the cave entrance.

Divers stepping out of a boat to a cave entrance.

Entrance to the overhead area of the quarry.

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Pro-Diver Development Ltd.

20/F, Shing Lee Commercial Building,
No. 6-12 Wing Kut Street,
Sheung Wan, HONG KONG


Tel: (852) 3110 4141


© 2015-2018 Pro-Diver Development Ltd.

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