Our Team

Our core team of full-time professional instructors have several decades of combined teaching experience and have certified thousands of divers over the years. We are fully committed to training divers to enjoy the sport safely and with confidence in their own abilities.

Gallup Lee
As a PSAI China country licensee, Gallup teaches mostly instructors within PSAI Technical Diving curriculum, but when he is not running PSAI Instructor Development or PSAI Technical Diving courses in China, he also teaches Open Water and other recreational level courses in Hong Kong. Gallup runs courses in English, Cantonese and Mandarin.
PSAI China Country Licensee
PSAI Instructor Trainer Evaluator
PSAI Instructor Trainer
PADI IDC Staff Instructor
EFR Instructor Trainer
Advanced Nitrox Instructor Trainer
Extended Range Nitrox Instructor Trainer
Advanced Wreck Instructor Trainer
Nitrogen Narcosis Management Instructor Trainer
Recreational Sidemount Instructor Trainer
Technical Sidemount Instructor Trainer
Cave Diving Instructor Trainer
Closed Rebreather Instructor Trainer
Trimix Instructor Trainer
+ several other Specialty Instructor ratings

Anssi Iivari
A Finland native, Anssi teaches mostly PADI courses from Open Water level to PADI Instructor levels in English in Hong Kong, but when a situation arises he takes students to the Philippines or China for Technical Diving courses as well.
PADI Master Instructor
PSAI Master Instructor
EFR Instructor Trainer
Advanced Nitrox Instructor
Extended Range Nitrox Instructor
Advanced Wreck Penetration Instructor
Tec Deep Instructor
Emergency Oxygen Provider Instructor
Search&Recovery Specialty Instructor
Public Safety Diver
Underwater Criminal Investigator
+ several other Specialty Instructor ratings

Wong Ting Kwok
Kwok spends most of his time taking students from Hong Kong to various exotic places in South East Asia for both PADI Open Water and Advanced courses as well as PSAI Technical Diving courses. Kwok runs courses mostly in Cantonese and Mandarin, but you might be able to persuade him to do those in English as well.
PSAI Instructor Trainer
PADI IDC Staff Instructor
EFR Instructor Trainer
Advanced Nitrox Instructor Trainer
Extended Range Nitrox Instructor Trainer
Advanced Wreck Instructor Trainer
+ several other Specialty Instructor ratings

Betty Chen
As a PADI Course Director, Betty runs PADI courses from Open Water to PADI Instructor Development courses mainly in Cantonese.
PADI Course Director
EFR Instructor Trainer
+ several Specialty Instructor Trainer ratings

Lisa Chan
Lisa is the one who make things happen in the office and keeps the rest of us in check. Lisa handles the materials, classroom, pool and boat bookings so if you are a freelance instructor, you will be talking to her a lot.
Pro-Diver Administrator